Ensure Peak Crew Performance with Our Competence Management Module

Optimize and Track Your Crew's Competency Effectively in line with Intertanko's ICMG (Competence Management Guidance) and BCAV ( Behavioral Competency Assessment and Verification for Vessel Operators)
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What is the Competence Management Module?

The Competence Management Module is an advanced solution designed to manage and track crew competencies systematically. It offers tools for assessing, maintaining, and enhancing the skills and knowledge of your crew members, ensuring they meet industry standards and perform at their best. With features like competency frameworks, gap analysis, and personalized training plans, this module helps you maintain a highly competent and compliant workforce.

Benefits of our Competency Management Module;

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  Comprehensive Competency Tracking

Monitor and assess skills and knowledge of your crew.

  Customized Training Plans

Develop personalized training programs to address competency gaps.

  Compliance Assurance

Ensure your crew meets industry standards and regulations.

  Performance Improvement

Continuously enhance crew performance through targeted training.

  User-Friendly Interface

Easy-to-use platform for both managers and crew members.

The Competency Management Process;



Evaluate current behavioral and technical skills in line with BCAV

Gap Analysis

Define skill gaps and identify relevant courses to be planned


Develop customized training plans to address competency gaps.


Execute training programs with automated scheduling and reminders.

Review and Feedback

Monitor progress and gather feedback to refine training plans.


Generate detailed reports to analyze competency levels and training effectiveness.
Competence Management Module

What's included?

  • Competency frameworks and assessment tools
  • Customized training plan development
  • Automated scheduling and notifications
  • Detailed competency tracking and reporting
  • User-friendly interface
  • 24/7 support and training resources

Take Control of Your Crew's Competency

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of competencies can be managed with the Competence Management Module?

Supports a wide range of competencies, including technical and soft skills

How does the module ensure compliance with industry standards?

Includes built-in frameworks and assessment tools aligned with industry regulations and standards.

Can the Competence Management Module be customized for our specific needs?

Yes, it can be tailored to meet the unique competency requirements of your organization.

How can we become a certified Behavioral Competency Assessor?

You can book the Behavioral Competency Assessor training from our marketplace and after completing the training you can receive your certificate.

How does the performance tracking feature work?

Monitors crew competencies and training progress, providing detailed insights and identifying areas for improvement.

What kind of support is available for users?

Offers 24/7 support, including access to training resources and a dedicated customer service team.

Can the module integrate with existing systems?

Yes, designed to integrate seamlessly with your current systems for smooth implementation.

How secure is the data within the module?

Prioritizes data security with robust encryption and compliance with data protection regulations.

Is there a trial version available?

While no free trial, a comprehensive demo is available to showcase capabilities.

How often are updates and new features added?

Regular updates with new features and improvements based on user feedback and industry trends.

How can we get started?

Contact us today to schedule a demo and discuss how the module can benefit your organization.
Competence Management Module
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