Maritime Trainer Assessment Solutions
Maritime Trainer have a competence management system that consists of various kinds of assessments to enable you to make the best choices for your company. Don’t miss the opportunity of being on the front by selecting and retaining the best candidates with the help of our innovative assessment tools.
Maritime Trainer Assessment Solutions
Maritime Trainer have a competence management system that consists of various kinds of assessments to enable you to make the best choices for your company.Don’t miss the opportunity of being on the front by selecting and retaining the best candidates with the help of our innovative assessment tools.
Better Selection Means Better Service
To reach safety, environmental and operational targets it is essential to select and retain your most valuable assets. Sometimes a small mistake results with catastrophic results which will ruin your whole business, reputation, and acquisitions. Statistics show even though technology is developing to help your crew on the way to safety and operational excellence, the major cause of accidents are still human factors. Better selection means better service.
Online Meetings and Assessments
Face to face interviews are replaced by online meetings and assessments nowadays and in order to be aligned with the recent developments we have created a reliable infrastructure that also captures the photos of the candidates during the assessments.
Question Bank
Not only the infrastructure but it is vital to have a unique question bank in order to be reliable. That is why we have a question bank of more than 10.000 questions and our experts are creating new questions continuously to update and renew our question bank.
These tests have been in use for more than 10 years over more than 15.000 seafarers and we are continuously adding more assessment for upcoming demands from the industry to measure Competence, Maritime English, Personality and Aptitude for our stakeholders’ better selection.
Detailed Report
Detailed report allows you to view the gaps and prepare a training need analysis for the candidates.
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Our Assesments

Maritime English Test
Communication is one of the main causes of accidents on board according to the statistics. Multicultural crew are widely used and it is vital to form a crew that can communicate smoothly in order to prevent adverse incidents.

Apptitude Test
Cognitive skills are the core skills your brain uses to think, read, learn, remember, reason, and pay attention. Working together, they take incoming information and move it into the bank of knowledge you use every day at work, and in life.

Marine Right Crew Test
The most challenging issue for HR Departments of maritime industry is to select the appropriate crew before sending them to work onboard. The use of psychometric tests has been on the rise during the last decades. But are they really effective?
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