Resilience Consultancy
Resilience is one of the important part of training for achieving the “Zero Accident” goal. Resilience is the
ability to recover from bad circumstance. When faced with a tragedy, natural disaster, health concern,
relationship, work, or school problem, resilience is how well a person can adapt to the events in their life.
A person with good resilience has the ability to bounce back more quickly and they are called RESILIENT
We provide a comprehensive consultancy on building the “Resilience Skills” and “The Implementation
Methodology of the Resilience Training” which will increase the effectivitiy of the trainings on board.
Our intention is to increase the effectiveness of the trainings by supporting the companies under below
3 main items:

Our Modules

Resilience Modules
“Zero Accident” goal.

Learning Engagement Tool
1 - Awareness & Seminar (Classroom/Webinar Training)

2 - Maritime Trainer Online Platform
All available Resilience Trainings are being integrated to the Maritime Trainer online training platform which makes the system much more effective and easier to monitor. LET and Resilience modules are being converted to the scenario based trainings.
Using the online platform will assist you to collect all necessary sources under a single roof. You will be able to schedule / plan all trainings and will allow you to keep records of all crew’s individual training datas. As per TMSA Element 3.2, the trend analysis will be possible via platform. All LET and Resilience topics will be reachable which are improved with a scenario based trainings. The evaluation module for the participants and facilitator will be active in the platform. All necessary updates will be carried out by our team without any extra cost.
Over Maritime Trainer online platform, you will be able to;

3 - Onboard Practical Training
Onboard resilience awareness and implementation programme will include the LET Trainings, Resilience Module Trainings, LFI Reflective Learning Videos and a familirization seminar for the Resilience. The content of training will include the definition and role of Resilience and the Reflective Learning Training System for achieving the “Zero Accident” goal onboard. The methodology of the system will be explained by our team with onboard sample sessions.