safety & envıronmental

1131-Port State Control

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Explain how port state control authorities target ships for inspection
  • Identify deficiencies which are more likely to lead to a detention
  • Describe how crew members should conduct themselves during a port state control inspection
  • Outline the typical sequence of a PSC inspection and what actions to take if a detainable deficiency is identified
  • Suggest ways of improving the effectiveness of the management system to be better prepared for an inspection
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Course Content

After completing this training, the learner will be familiar with the following topics:
Legal Infrastructure and Definitions
Adaptation and Preparation for Inspection in the Company
Port State Control
Questions and Answers Encountered in the Inspection
Situations Cause Ships to Be Detained
Statistics and Graphics

Course Requirement

Port state control (PSC) is an inspection regime for countries to inspect foreign-registered ships in port other than those of the flag state and take action against ships that are not in compliance.

Additional Information

Last Updates
Mar 2021
Course Duration
1.5 Hours
Type of Course
Certificate & Validity
Yes / 5 Years
Ship Type
Oil Tanker, Chemical Tanker, Gas Tanker, LNG Tanker, General Cargo, Bulk, Container, Passenger, RORO, Tug
Target Group
Deck – Management, Deck – Operational, Engine – Management, Engine – Operational, Shorebased Personnel
Skill Level
Flag Approval
The process of course assignment to certification.
Create your account
After you create your account an email will be sent to your address for verification.
Platform link
This email will also include your credentials and the learning management platform link.
You can reach the e-learning course
Once you click the link and enter your credentials you can reach the e-learning course from your dashboard.
Accesible for 365
Your course is accessible for 365 days unless you have a score of 70 or more from the assessment. If you fail to score 70 or over within your 3 attempts, you must purchase the course to reenroll again.
Certificate of attendance
Your certificate of attendance will be sent to your email after you have your certificate within 365 days.
Receive your certificate
Your access will end after you receive your
The process of course assignment to certification.
Create your account
After you create your account an email will be sent to your address for verification.
Platform link
This email will also include your credentials and the learning management platform link.
You can reach the e-learning course
Once you click the link and enter your credentials you can reach the e-learning course from your dashboard.
Accesible for 365 days
Your course is accessible for 365 days unless you have a score of 70 or more from the assessment. If you fail to score 70 or over within your 3 attempts, you must purchase the course to reenroll again.
Certificate of attendance
Your certificate of attendance will be sent to your email after you have your certificate within 365 days.
Receive your certificate
Your access will end after you receive your certificate.