Safety Videos

Voyage Planning &

This e-learning course provides a comprehensive guide to voyage planning, covering both traditional methods using paper charts and modern practices utilizing Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS). The course emphasizes the four stages of voyage planning (Appraisal, Planning, Execution, and Monitoring) and highlights the importance of risk assessment, contingency planning, and continuous monitoring throughout the voyage. Learners will gain a practical understanding of the information required for effective voyage planning, the use of various nautical publications, and the specific considerations when using ECDIS. The course is suitable for navigating officers, masters, and other maritime professionals involved in voyage planning and navigation.
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Course Content

After completing this training, the learner will be familiar with the following topics:
 Explain the importance of voyage planning in ensuring safe and efficient maritime operations.
 Describe the four stages of voyage planning (Appraisal, Planning, Execution, and Monitoring).
 Identify and utilize various sources of information for voyage planning (paper charts and ECDIS).
 Develop a detailed voyage plan incorporating relevant information such as weather forecasts, navigational warnings, and port information.
 Apply appropriate safety margins and contingency plans to mitigate risks.
 Effectively monitor the voyage, ensuring adherence to the plan and making necessary adjustments.
 Understand the specific operational aspects and safety features of ECDIS in voyage planning.
 Apply knowledge and skills to create and execute safe and efficient voyage plans.

Course References

• SOLAS Chapter V
• STCW as amended
• IMO model course 1.27 and Resolutions
• IMO - RESOLUTION A.893(21),
• TMSA 3 / Element 5.3.3
• RISQ 3.1 & 3.18
• Bridge Procedures Guide
• Passage Planning Guideline

Additional Information

Last Updates
Dec 2024
Course Duration
40 Minutes
Type of Course
E-Learning Courses - with Certificate
Certificate & Validity
Yes / 5 Years
Ship Type
Oil Tanker
Chemical Tanker
Gas Tanker
LNG Tanker
General Cargo
Bulk Carrier
Target Group
Deck – Management
Deck – Operational
Skill Level
Flag Approval
The process of course assignment to certification.
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Platform link
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You can reach the e-learning course
Once you click the link and enter your credentials you can reach the e-learning course from your dashboard.
Accesible for 365
Your course is accessible for 365 days unless you have a score of 70 or more from the assessment. If you fail to score 70 or over within your 3 attempts, you must purchase the course to reenroll again.
Certificate of attendance
Your certificate of attendance will be sent to your email after your completion of the course within 365 days.
Receive your certificate
Your access will end after you receive your