Maximize Maritime Training Efficiency with Our Advanced Training Manager Module

Optimize Your Crew Training Programs Seamlessly
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What is the Training Manager Module?

The Training Manager Module is a comprehensive solution designed to streamline and enhance maritime training programs. It offers robust tools for planning, scheduling, and monitoring crew training activities. This module ensures compliance with industry standards, improves training efficiency, and provides detailed performance tracking and reporting. With features like automated notifications, it simplifies the management of training processes, enabling you to focus on delivering high-quality training experiences.

Benefits of our training management module;

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  Enhanced Efficiency

Streamline the scheduling and management of training activities.

  Detailed Reporting

Gain insights with comprehensive reports on training performance.
Through out your fleet

  Compliance Assurance

Ensure adherence to maritime training standards and regulations.

  Performance Tracking

Monitor crew progress and identify areas for improvement. yerine Automated Synchronisation - Vessel data on the offline platform is synchronized automatically with the online platform.

  Automated Notifications

Keep your crew informed with automated alerts for upcoming training.

  User-Friendly Interface

Easy-to-use for office and crew admins

The Training Process;


Initial Assessment

Evaluate current training needs and compliance requirements.

Customized Planning

Develop tailored annual training plan for your vessels


Schedule the training plan accordingly for your vessels. Add necessary individual courses if required over the crew training matrix.

Monitoring and Feedback

Track progress and gather feedback to refine training programs.


Generate detailed reports to analyze training effectiveness and compliance.
Training Manager Module
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What's Included?

Comprehensive training management tools
Automated scheduling and notifications
Detailed performance tracking and reporting
User-friendly interface
24/7 support and training resources
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Don't hesitate

Transform Your Training Programs

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of training can be managed with the Training Manager Module?

Onboard group training courses, drills, any specific individual training over the crew training matrix, additional shore group training courses can be easily planned over the Training Manager Module.

How does the module help you comply with industry requirements? 

You can demonstrate your annual fleet crew training plan, completion status, and feedback reports with the help of this module including the additional individual training plans

Can the module integrate with existing systems?

 Yes, training completion status reports can easily be integrated with your ERP platform.

 Is there a trial version available?

While no free trial, a comprehensive demo is available to showcase capabilities.

How often are updates and new features added?

Regular updates with new features and improvements based on user feedback and industry trends.

How can we get started?

Contact us today to schedule a demo and discuss how the module can benefit your organization.